
Settling family disputes outside of the courtroom

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How Can Mediation Solve My Dispute?

When you have a family dispute, emotions run high. Although our mediators are experienced attorneys with a successful record in the courtroom, they also have a wealth of skills in settling even the most complex disputes without a courtroom fight. Whether your dispute involves a divorce, child custody, or a business deal gone bad, our mediators can offer you the chance for a more peaceful outcome that provides you with a fair settlement. Mediation is more economical and usually results in a quicker resolution to your dispute. If you think mediation might be for you, book an appointment with one of our skilled mediators today.

We Take a Problem-Solving Approach to Mediation

Disputes usually revolve around a set of core issues. Instead of an approach focused on past grudges, we break your dispute down into its separate components – areas in which you disagree on how to solve those issues. It’s a more respectful tactic, and it helps lead you to solutions on which all involved can agree. Whether it’s a marriage on the rocks, a business partnership you want to end, or a dispute with a contractor, an employee, or a disputed estate settlement, we can help. See what one of our skilled mediators can do for your situation. Contact our law firm to learn more.

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What Happens in a Mediation Proceeding?

Mediation proceedings involve a series of meetings with all the involved parties. A neutral mediator might first meet with each party separately to sort out all the issues that are important to them. Then they will meet with all the parties together. The mediator will help you find common ground and might point out what could happen in court if you don’t come to a settlement that satisfies all parties. Although the mediator will remain neutral regarding the exact outcome – they will work with you and the other parties to ensure a fair result for everyone involved. If you’d like to try mediation as an alternative to pursuing litigation in court, get in touch with one of our skilled mediators today.

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